Nazi, Crow and Army


Hello Marsha,


I just read your book and thought it was interesting. Something strange happened when I brought the book home, before I even read it, I had a vision. I was trying to go to sleep, maybe starting to drift, but still awake enough to know I needed to write this down.


I was first seeing pictures like a slide show one after the other. I thought I need to write this down, I need to remember, but I dozed and didn’t. So I forget the first few pictures.  But the last one I remember. It was a swastika, a Nazi symbol. It was drawn in black lines like in the air. Then there was another scene. There was a black, black crow flying.  It had a piece of black-black cloth in its mouth, about the size of a handkerchief . There was a large knot in the corner of it and the crow had it just above the knot. The crow swooped down and dropped the cloth. It fell straight down with the knot going down first. I could see the end of the knot was loose weave and fraying like sackcloth. The cloth and knot fell straight down as I said, and fell on the center of the front row of a regiment of soldiers. They were marching in rank, shoulder to shoulder, several to a line and several lines of them. They were wearing I think tan or light khaki, I think short sleeved uniforms. The contrast between the black cloth and the tan uniforms was great. And as I said, it dropped straight down on the center of the first row.


Signed, J.




Hi J..


I’m glad you are finding Dream Symbols and Beyond, Applying Biblical Principles to Dream Interpretation interesting.  (For readers: it can be found on  I’m not surprised that as soon as you started moving in the direction of finding out what your dream/vision symbols mean, you started getting more explicit dreams / visions.  It seems to work that way.  The Bible says:


The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you.  Whoever has, will be given more, and he will have an abundance.


Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him (Mt13:11 NASB).


 I believe this is saying if we pay attention to the things “secrets” the Lord gives us, He will pour more and more upon us.  But, conversely, when we ignore these “secrets of the kingdom” He will give us less and less.   In other words, the more you pay attention to your dreams/visions, the more the Lord will give you.


Anyway, thanks for sending this to me.  Let’s look at the symbols.


Swastika, Nazi symbol = a reference to the army of the evil one (Rev19:19)


In the air = spiritual things (Eph 2:2)


Black-black = evil/of the enemy (Is 59:9, 2Pet 2:17, Jude 1:13)


Crow =  will peck at the eye (ability to understand) of those who mock or scorn, harasser (Prov       30:17)


Black Cloth = representing mourning (Is 50:3, Jer 4:28, Rev 6:12)


Knot in the corner = a tie to it (Ps 18:4-5, 116:3, Jer 10:20)


End of knot loose weave and fraying = tie fraying/ opening


Regiment of soldiers = an army of God or the evil one


Clothing = covering / defines who the wearer is (Job 30:18, Ps 35:26, 74:6, Mt 22:10-13, Rom 13:14)


Tan or khaki = humanism / fleshly issues




Now, looking at the symbols and the dream circumstances, I believe this dream is a prophetic dream and might be saying:


You, (the dreamer), are seeing the army of the evil one lined up and ready for battle.  The center front of this battle will start with a banner or rather a tie of mockery / harassment and humanism. Those fighting the battle (soldiers of the enemy) will appear to be acting out of humanism coverings, i.e.: appear to be doing what’s good for humanity. 




So, what are you supposed to do with this dream?  I guess the first thing to do in answering this question is to look again at the dream and ask yourself: Is the dream leading me to believe I have an action?  In this case, I believe the dream is given to you for several reasons.  A few might be


  1. To let you know that the Lord is talking to you in a prophetic way; a communion with the Father.
  2. In answer to the Father’s statement in the Bible:  The Lord does nothing unless He reveals His secret to His servants (Amos 3:7 NKJV).   This dream might simply be the Lord revealing to one of His many servants what is taking place in His kingdom…in this case, revealing the plans of the enemy.
  3. The dream might be given for you (as the dreamer) to pray.  I would suggest praying (always in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of course) for the Lord to protect His people from the onslaught of the enemy and thwart the enemy’s plans.
    Keep dreaming and making note of your visions.  God’s blessings on you.





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