Two Archs intersecting


Dear Ms. Dunstan,


A friend gave me your email when I started to talk to her about a dream I had last night. I dream a lot but usually don’t pay attention or remember much detail about them. Here is my dream:


I was standing outside and I was looking at the sky. It was a peculiar color like a pastel pink. I saw an arch like the St. Louis arch and another one on top of it. They were the same size but the highest point of each one was intersecting. (like if you were looking down at the arches from above the highest points intersect looking like a curved x) I hope this makes sense and I hope you can help me understand this. Thank you.






Hi A.B.


The symbols in your dream may be as follows:


  • Looking at the sky – looking at things high in the spirit
  • Pastel pink – childlike faith
  • Arch – Main issue, principal thing i.e. archangel; is curved therefore is not straight clean issue; supports weight (a burden) over a span (of time)
  • Highest point of each one intersecting – one thing is at the apex of both issues 




Putting these symbols together, this might mean:


 While looking into things high in the spirit in childlike faith, you see:  one thing is at the apex of two main large burdens.  These burdens (weights) are not clean straight issues (are curved) and they each need support over a span of time.


Or to paraphrase the interpretation:


You are dealing with two large burdens (not easy things to deal with). Both of these are going to take (or have already taken) a long span of time to deal with.  They both have a common issue/person/thing that is at the center of both of these burdens.   You have a wonderful innocent faith and are seeking high Godly spiritual things.




A.B. I believe God is telling you to “stay the course”.  You have long heavy problems you are dealing with.  Most of our dreams are about “where we are –emotionally” and “what we are dealing with – life issues”.  I believe our wonderful Father God gave you this dream to tell you that your faith will get you through.  You apparently have a wonderful faith.  He is also telling you that He knows what you are going through. 


God’s blessing on you,





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