I dreamed I was going to be late to high school. It was after 1pm so my English class had already started. I called the school office to let them know I’d be late and left a message. However, then I got busy with my job and never left. I had a bunch of mail to get ready to send out, so I started stuffing things in envelopes and moistening them with one of two wet sponges. Then I took a large envelope that had come in to the comptroller. Someone had sent her and 8 ½ X 11” Hershey Bar.
End of my dream. In real life I am in my 60’s, so I’m not in high school. Also, I do not stuff envelopes for my job. What does this mean?
Marsha here: Hi J:
Let’s look at the symbols first:
High school: learning higher level things
1 = God
English class = if you are American (or another English-speaking country), this might mean communication with others
Busy = distracted with other things
Comptroller = management supervising quality of accounting ; authority over accountability
(accounting = being “accountable” for actions)
8 = new beginnings
11 = revelation
Hershey bar = sweet things to “feed upon” or learn
Now, what or who is the Focus of the dream?
The Focus is YOU.
So, what or who are the Sub-focuses of the dream? Or, to clarify, what or who…if they were not in the dream would cause the dream to not exist?
I believe the Sub-focuses are: High School, Concerned about being Late
So all else are details. Let’s look at this:
Focus: You
Sub-Focus: High School Concerned about being Late
Details: English class (way to communicate with others)
1 pm (God)
Comptroller = an authority (probably a woman “she”) who is an authority over accountability issues
8 = new beginnings
Busy = distracted
Describes what you are “busy” distracted by: Job, mail, envelopes.
The Focus and the Sub-Focuses pretty much say what the dream is about:
You are concerned you are late in learning of higher level (or spiritual) things.
Wow! Quick and easy, by just looking at the Focus and Sub-Focus. The details add enrichment as to what you will be learning on this higher level, and why you are late getting the teachings. The higher level of learning includes how to talk to others/communicate with others. It is after God. You are distracted by such things as work. But even in your distraction, you witness someone with authority over accountability issues receive new beginnings and revelation of sweet things (teachings).
So, to paraphrase the interpretation, I would say:
You feel you have been missing out on spiritual teachings because you’ve been distracted by such things as work. But even in your distraction, you witness an authority over action accountability who receives new beginnings and revelation of sweet teachings.