Working in a Mansion


Hi Marsha,


How are you, and God bless you. 


In my dream:


I’m in a large mansion with my family, seems to be my father’s place. We are in one of the back rooms and my dad just wants to watch TV. People come to the front door and he sends me to take care of it. I walkthrough many rooms with ornate furniture in them. I open the front door and there are a lot of people who come in. I offer them food and drinks. They are not behaving very well. I try to get them to calm down Then, there is a man whom I seem to know but his face is not one that I can recall (in my real life). We talk and we are going to go see my dad and we go out a door to walk across a courtyard to get to the back room where my dad is. We are walking on grass and then I look around and we are in a normal neighborhood (kinda like the one where I live) and I look back at the house and it is no longer a mansion but just a normal house.  I say to myself that “this is a weird dream: and then I wake up.




Hello MW


This dream is full of good symbols.  Let’s dissect it. 


First, the Focus of the dream is YOU.  You are what the dream is about. You are in all the scenes, etc.  Second, the Sub-Focus of the dream is the Mansion.  Just looking at these two, the Focus and the Sub-Focus: the mansion is likely symbolic for God’s church.  (Jeremiah 7:1-11, Hebrews 3:6, 1Peter 2:5)


Therefore, putting just these together, this says the dream is about you in God’s church. 


Okay, let’s look at the rest of the dream and see what the details are.  What are you doing in God’s church?


Some of the symbols are:


My family = family in Christ (Rom 12:1-2)
My father’s place = God’s church – Father = God

Back rooms = going on behind the scenes
Dad watching TV = God watching what’s being “aired” or things in the spiritual realm
People come in front door = coming into the church
He sends me to take care of it = God sends you to minister or take care of people
Walk through many rooms = many areas of the church
Ornate furniture = beauty/treasures there
Open the front door and there are people who come in = you are opening “doors” for others
Offer them food and drinks = offer them teachings of the Word of God
They are not behaving very well = people you are dealing with are not behaving well in the world
A man I seem to know…we talk…we are going to see my dad =  you are trying to bring one man in particular to the Father God.
In a normal neighborhood = you are working in “normal-neighborhood” type of environments.

Putting this all together- I would say your dream is saying:


You are an active participant of the family of God and a worker in His church. Your work is a service and obeying God in ministering to normal-everyday people in areas where they live. A lot of the people you will be working with have been behaving in ways that are not good.








Follow-up:   The dreamer has told me he is involved in a ministry within his church that ministers to recovering alcoholics, drug users, and other addictive issues.  He said the interpretation is right on.



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