Dreams – what do they mean?
Let’s look at the first dream:
Back rooms = going on behind the scenes
Dad watching TV = God watching what’s being “aired” or things in the spiritual realm
People come in front door = coming into the church
He sends me to take care of it = God sends you to minister or take care of people
Walk through many rooms = many areas of the church
Ornate furniture = beauty/treasures there
Open the front door and there are people who come in = you are opening “doors” for others
Offer them food and drinks = offer them teachings of the Word of God
They are not behaving very well = people you are dealing with are not behaving well in the world
A man I seem to know…we talk…we are going to see my dad = you are trying to bring one man in particular to the Father God.
In a normal neighborhood = you are working in “normal-neighborhood” type of environments.
Hello Readers,
I need to apologize for being off-line for the past two months. I’ve dealt with a death in the family and personal illness, and illness of my spouse. Tough season! But my prayer warriors got me through it.
God Bless you all,
Dated: March 11, 2016
Since the Focus of a dream and the Sub Focus of a dream gives a quick summary of the dream, I’d like to start this interpretation by looking at the Focus and the Sub Focus first.
Soar = symbolic for high spiritual activity. (Air is often things that are spiritual – going through the air might indicate spiritual activity)
Traveling = symbolic for taking this to new places.
Rental = temporary place you are “working/way of living/ministry” – a place you are temporarily
Complex = a complicated and convoluted area / a lot of things going on.
Across mountains with snow, wilderness, over great waters, cities = indicates the vast travel between these countries
USA = believe this literally means the USA
Ask persons “Where was I?” = Seeking answers of where you are in your life
Staff = others working in the same area you are working/in ministry/way of living
Downstairs = downward transition
Young man going through exit = leaving that area of work/ministry/way of living
Me in room = your particular place in this work/ministry/way of living
Seemed old = seems to be old ways – (not good in this case)
Dusty = covered in things of the earth and needs cleansing
Plastic bags = packaged up in man-made ways
Go through things = inspecting and looking at things
A personal note to you about some other comments in your email.
I am glad to see how the Lord is using you. He is so much fun to follow. And it’s difficult also. It’s good to read you’ve been given some answers lately and are seeing more clearly.
Dear Mom,
Let’s look at the symbols:
Hey Marsha, It’s Saraj.
(Readers, Saraj (not her real name) is a high school age girl who sends me dreams on occasion.)