Walk Beyond Closed City


Hi Marsha,
This one is long and a bit…”convoluted.” -lol.  I hope you’re ready.  (:
The Dream:
 Scene 1:
I was wandering around a ‘closed’ city looking for the place where my belongings were.  I went in with someone (?) but couldn’t find the location. I knew the place but couldn’t find it.
 Scene 2:
Walking around with a friend’s dog.  I see the place off in the far distance, about a block away, to the ‘right’ (It was like being on a Hollywood set from back in the 20’s with a dirt road and buildings on both sides of the road.  The door where my things were located was black).  I knew I couldn’t take the dog there.  
Scene 3:
Two pickup trucks go up in the air as though a bomb went off but no bomb.  It was kind of like they spun in a whirlwind but there was no whirlwind.  One truck landed on its side.  It was champagne color.  I knew help was needed to ‘right’ the truck.  Two guys showed up.  One fixed the truck.
Scene 4:
I’m in a place like a mall going to an ATM for money.  The person with me is expecting me to give him a certain amount of money.  It’s his machine and his money.  I’m just asked to retrieve it for him.  After I retrieved the amount he requested, coins begin pouring out like crazy.  I gave him the cash he requested plus the coins.  He paused, then entrusted me with a black garbage bag filled with money.  There’s another bag filled with belongings from the truck.
Scene 5:
We’re outside.  A woman walks over asking for help.  She looks like someone I know.  In the dream I knew who she was but I wasn’t 100% certain when I woke up and began writing.  My thought was that it was my daughter’s friend Kim.  Her mascara was running.  I’m unable to help her but I offer to pray.  The man holding the bag seems surprised but glad.  She sits down on the ground (in the dirt) and as I pray coins begin falling in front of her.  I remind her that the coins aren’t hers and she should be honest.  
Scene 6:
(My notes say “out of order?” There was so many parts to this dream that the following paragraph may have happened before the previous one)
Back to the closed city I recognized the building where my belongings were.  I walked through the door.  It all looked familiar.  I walked right to where my things were.
Scene 7:
I’m rewarded with the champagne colored pickup truck (the one from the whirlwind) and it’s like brand new.  On top of the cab is lots of sod; so much that it’s hanging over on one side.  It seems like a good thing.  Next I’m standing in a restaurant next to a male and I’m dressed as a hostess.  The table is ready for the guests and I’m just taking it all in; proud, like I own the restaurant.  
Hi DY,  Marsha here: 
Thank you for sending this long convoluted dream.  I usually post shorter ones because these go on and on and the readers may lose interest, or be overwhelmed.   But, I believe I should post a few of these long ones to let you readers out there know that this is a “typical Christian dream”.   Christian dreams are usually very long and convoluted.  They can be overwhelming.  So let’s use this one as a learning tool.
 FIRST: The first thing we do is look at the beginning of the dream (the first couple of sentences) and the end of the dream (the last couple of sentences).
OKAY….the BEGINNING of the dream is:
I was wondering around a ‘closed’ city looking for the place where my belongings were.   I went in with someone but couldn’t find the location.
Now, the END of the dream: 
I’m standing in a restaurant next to a male and I’m dressed as a hostess.  The table is ready for the guests and I’m just taking it all in; proud, like I own the restaurant.
This kind of summarizes the dream.   Just looking at these two pieces and applying their symbols, they might mean:
You are having to leave your “baggage from the past” (belongings) behind  (can’t find them) and you are later in a place where you are ministering to others, (feeding them) which means offering them good teachings.
SECOND:  Let’s look at the full dream and figure out what it’s saying.   Because it’s so long, I’m going to do this by scene. 
 Scene 1:
I was wandering around a ‘closed’ city (place of living that is now closed off to you) looking for (pondering or looking back at) the place where my belongings (my past baggage/issues) were.  I went in with someone (at my side is a “friend”) but couldn’t find the location (can’t go back to that old place). I knew the place but couldn’t find it.
Summary Scene 1:  You are looking back at a place that is now closed off to you.
Scene 2:
Walking around with a friend’s (Jesus/ a friend) dog (follower).  I see the place off in the far distance, about a block away, to the ‘right’ (It was like being on a Hollywood set from back in the 20’s with a dirt road and buildings on both sides of the road.  The door where my things were located was black (not of God).  I knew I couldn’t take the dog there.  
Summary Scene 2: You have someone that is with you that is a follower of Jesus.  You don’t want to take this person to those dark areas.
Scene 3:
Two (2) pickup trucks (ministry or works that are able to traverse difficult terrains) go up in the air (fast spiritual change) as though a bomb went off but no bomb.  It was kind of like they spun in a whirlwind but there was no whirlwind.  One truck (one ministry / work) landed on its side (went on the side line).  It was champagne color (spiritual hue).  I knew help was needed to ‘right’ the truck (right the ministry).  Two guys (angels/ men) showed up.  One fixed the truck (one fixed the ministry/work).
Summary Scene 3: This scene deals with ministry issue.  
You have seen 2 ministries/or works that designed to handle people in difficult circumstances.  One of these is a spiritual ministry and it was put on the sideline.  Someone tried to help and someone (maybe the Lord) actually did help and brought the spiritual ministry on track.
Scene 4:
I’m in a place like a mall (life situation) going to an ATM for money (how you keep and deal with your finances).  The person with me (friend/Jesus/Holy Spirit) is expecting me to give him a certain amount of money (expectation of tithe/offerings).  It’s his machine and his money. (Lord’s money)   I’m just asked to retrieve it for him.  After I retrieved the amount he requested (obeyed money commands), coins begin pouring out like crazy (financial blessings came pouring out like crazy).  I gave him the cash he requested plus the coins (tried to give the Lord back some of the extra blessings).  He paused, then entrusted me with a black garbage bag filled with money (in response the Lord gave even more blessings)   There’s another bag filled with belongings from the truck (also blessings from the ministry).
Summary Scene 4:  This scene deals with money issues.
Regarding dealing with your financial issues, the Lord expects you to give tithe and offerings.  When you do this, you are crazily blessed by the Lord.
Scene 5:
We’re outside.  A woman walks over asking for help  (women needing help).  She looks like someone I know (women who you know- who are in your everyday life).  In the dream I knew who she was but I wasn’t 100% certain when I woke up and began writing.  My thought was that it was my daughter’s friend Kim (women younger (more immature in the Lord who you are mentoring).  Her mascara was running (their mask/makeup is coming apart – they are dealing with difficulty).  I’m unable to help her (on your own, you are unable to help) but I offer to pray (through prayer you are very helpful) .  The man holding the bag seems surprised but glad (Lord is glad).  She sits down on the ground (in the dirt) (in things of the world) and as I pray coins begin falling in front of her (blessing befalls her/them).  I remind her that the coins aren’t hers and she should be honest (speak into them of the Lord’s mercy and grace).  
Summary Scene 5:  This scene deals with your individual efforts to help others. You are anointed to pray for hurting women.  Through your prayers they will be helped greatly.  You will be speaking the Lord’s mercy and grace into their lives.
Scene 6:
Back to the closed city I recognized the building where my belongings were.  I walked through the door.  It all looked familiar.  I walked right to where my things were.
Summary Scene 6:  This scene says now you are able to look back at your old stuff.  After you’ve experienced the things God is doing in your life, you are able to look back and evaluate your past.
Scene 7:
I’m rewarded with the champagne colored pickup truck (spiritual ministry that is tough and able to handle hard stuff) and it’s like brand new.  On top of the cab is lots of sod(grass = people/  sod = people who are ready and primed for planting) ; so much that it’s hanging over on one side.  It seems like a good thing(a good thing) .  Next I’m standing (on solid foundation) in a restaurant (place where teachings [food] are presented to others) next to a male (Jesus/Holy Spirit) and I’m dressed (have a covering) as a hostess (one who is providing to others).  The table (place of communion)is ready for the guests and I’m just taking it all in; proud, like I own the restaurant.  
Summary Scene 7:   This scene speaks of your calling.  You will be in charge of a strong tough spiritual ministry that will provide good teachings to others. 
 A synopsis of these scenes and a total summary of the dream interpretation is as follows:
You needed to leave your own baggage behind for a season while you experienced things in order to prepare you for your calling.  Some of the things you will be (or did) experience are discernment with others, ministry problems, financial alignment especially as it relates to tithing and offerings, and an intercessory prayer ministering to others.  After a time, you were (will be) able to look back and deal with your past.  Your calling is a spiritual ministry where you are in charge of providing good teachings to others and preparing them to become planted.
This dream is a good one to show how to break down the meanings.  And how to look at the beginning and the end and quickly summarize the dream.  If you go back to the beginning and the end of this dream, you can see that the meaning is very close to the final dream interpretation synopsis.  Fascinating how that works!!!
God Bless You,

Helicopter Towing Bench


Marsha, Here is a strange one, involving a helicopter which has a tow rope attached to it.  The tow rope is then attached to a metal picnic bench, which I and a few others are sitting at.  It then starts to tow us down the street, but not lifting us up in the air.  I noticed that down this snow covered street there is houses and chain link fences in front of us, and I am telling everyone to get off as I try to cut the rope.   Just before the helicopter starts to pull us I ask Rex ( a person older man that I go to church with) if he is going to get on.  He says “ No, I don’t think so”, and we are around water and a boat .

That’s it.  What does this mean?

Hi there!
A  good place to start is with the symbols. Here are some possible meanings for the symbols:


Helicopter = ministry gets off the ground quickly (note: If a vehicle is a ministry/work; and a plane is a ministry or work high in the spirit (air); then a helicopter is a ministry/work that is high in the spirit and gets off the ground quickly).


Tow = pulling along


Rope = in service to/committed to (Num 4:26); bound/committed to (Ps 119:61, Eze 3:25);  not quickly broken (Eze 4:8, Eccl 4:12)


Metal =  people (Jer 6:27)


Picnic bench = being “fed” is “benched”


Up in air = high in Holy Spirit (Is 66:15, Eze 37:9, John 3:8)


Snow = times that are cold


Street  = pathway / direction you are going (Jer 31:21)


Chain = bound (Ps 107:10, Is 52:2, Jer 40:1-4, Eph 6:20, Rev 20:1-2); cords of affliction/affliction/oppression (Job 36:8, Col 4:18); weighed down (Lam 3:7)


Link = linked to


Fence = barrier / hindrance (Ps 62:3, Acts 17:26)


Rex = Royalty/ those who are royal/God


Water = Word of God (Neh 9:15, Ps 73:10, Is 55:1, John 4, Eph 5:26, Rev 7:17)


Boat = earthly & spiritual movement/ ministry (Mt 13:2)


So, tossing symbols into the dream and asking the Holy Spirit to speak to us reveals the following:




You and others are “benched” from being fed (receiving good teachings) and pulled along, bound to a ministry that got off the ground quickly but does not go high in the Holy Spirit.  This ministry pulled you along a cold pathway that was bound and linked to barriers.  You asked someone of Royalty/God if he was with you in it and he said “No”. Then you see the word of God and earthly & spiritual movement.

Now, keep in mind this dream does NOT say the work is bad.  It just says it does not go high in the Holy Spirit and you are not being fed well.   The Lord is gentle and gracious in guiding us. 





Nazi, Crow and Army


Hello Marsha,


I just read your book and thought it was interesting. Something strange happened when I brought the book home, before I even read it, I had a vision. I was trying to go to sleep, maybe starting to drift, but still awake enough to know I needed to write this down.


I was first seeing pictures like a slide show one after the other. I thought I need to write this down, I need to remember, but I dozed and didn’t. So I forget the first few pictures.  But the last one I remember. It was a swastika, a Nazi symbol. It was drawn in black lines like in the air. Then there was another scene. There was a black, black crow flying.  It had a piece of black-black cloth in its mouth, about the size of a handkerchief . There was a large knot in the corner of it and the crow had it just above the knot. The crow swooped down and dropped the cloth. It fell straight down with the knot going down first. I could see the end of the knot was loose weave and fraying like sackcloth. The cloth and knot fell straight down as I said, and fell on the center of the front row of a regiment of soldiers. They were marching in rank, shoulder to shoulder, several to a line and several lines of them. They were wearing I think tan or light khaki, I think short sleeved uniforms. The contrast between the black cloth and the tan uniforms was great. And as I said, it dropped straight down on the center of the first row.


Signed, J.




Hi J..


I’m glad you are finding Dream Symbols and Beyond, Applying Biblical Principles to Dream Interpretation interesting.  (For readers: it can be found on Amazon.com).  I’m not surprised that as soon as you started moving in the direction of finding out what your dream/vision symbols mean, you started getting more explicit dreams / visions.  It seems to work that way.  The Bible says:


The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you.  Whoever has, will be given more, and he will have an abundance.


Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him (Mt13:11 NASB).


 I believe this is saying if we pay attention to the things “secrets” the Lord gives us, He will pour more and more upon us.  But, conversely, when we ignore these “secrets of the kingdom” He will give us less and less.   In other words, the more you pay attention to your dreams/visions, the more the Lord will give you.


Anyway, thanks for sending this to me.  Let’s look at the symbols.


Swastika, Nazi symbol = a reference to the army of the evil one (Rev19:19)


In the air = spiritual things (Eph 2:2)


Black-black = evil/of the enemy (Is 59:9, 2Pet 2:17, Jude 1:13)


Crow =  will peck at the eye (ability to understand) of those who mock or scorn, harasser (Prov       30:17)


Black Cloth = representing mourning (Is 50:3, Jer 4:28, Rev 6:12)


Knot in the corner = a tie to it (Ps 18:4-5, 116:3, Jer 10:20)


End of knot loose weave and fraying = tie fraying/ opening


Regiment of soldiers = an army of God or the evil one


Clothing = covering / defines who the wearer is (Job 30:18, Ps 35:26, 74:6, Mt 22:10-13, Rom 13:14)


Tan or khaki = humanism / fleshly issues




Now, looking at the symbols and the dream circumstances, I believe this dream is a prophetic dream and might be saying:


You, (the dreamer), are seeing the army of the evil one lined up and ready for battle.  The center front of this battle will start with a banner or rather a tie of mockery / harassment and humanism. Those fighting the battle (soldiers of the enemy) will appear to be acting out of humanism coverings, i.e.: appear to be doing what’s good for humanity. 




So, what are you supposed to do with this dream?  I guess the first thing to do in answering this question is to look again at the dream and ask yourself: Is the dream leading me to believe I have an action?  In this case, I believe the dream is given to you for several reasons.  A few might be


  1. To let you know that the Lord is talking to you in a prophetic way; a communion with the Father.
  2. In answer to the Father’s statement in the Bible:  The Lord does nothing unless He reveals His secret to His servants (Amos 3:7 NKJV).   This dream might simply be the Lord revealing to one of His many servants what is taking place in His kingdom…in this case, revealing the plans of the enemy.
  3. The dream might be given for you (as the dreamer) to pray.  I would suggest praying (always in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of course) for the Lord to protect His people from the onslaught of the enemy and thwart the enemy’s plans.
    Keep dreaming and making note of your visions.  God’s blessings on you.