Tulips and the Holy Spirit




I dreamed these a few months ago.  What do they mean?




First Dream:
Its night time and I am outside.  There is a black fence around waist high.  A man jumps over it to be with me.  We lay down and look up at the sky.  We have our heads on the curb of the sidewalk and our bodies on the asphalt.  He has one hand under his head and his right arm around me.  I have my head on his chest.  He is wearing a blue sweatshirt and I can’t see his face, but he is brown (dark-skinned).


Second Dream:


I had tulips in a vase.  I took them out of the water and they began to die.  I put them back in the water and they lived. 


 Dear F.F.

Let’s look at the first dream:

Its night time and I am outside.  There is a black fence around waist high.  A man jumps over it to be with me.  We lay down and look up at the sky.  We have our heads on the curb of the sidewalk and our bodies on the asphalt.  He has one hand under his head and his right arm around me.  I have my head on his chest.  He is wearing a blue sweatshirt and I can’t see his face, but he is brown (dark-skinned).


Its symbols are great. 


Night time –  a time of being unable to “see” (understand things) clearly


I am outside – you feel you are “outside” of things


Black fence around waist high –  obstacles around you of wasteful issues


Man can’t see his face –  Holy Spirit


Wearing blue sweatshirt –  covering (shirt) of Holy Spirit’s works (sweat) is revelation (blue)


We lay down –  You rest in Him


And look at the sky –  Look at things spiritually


Head on curb and body on asphalt –  while body is on everyday going forward, your head is on your “side” walk i.e. your spiritual walk or ministry on the side.


He had arm around you –  The Holy Spirit has His arm around you.


I believe this is saying this is a time of being unable to “see” (understand) clearly and you are feeling you are not on the “inside track” but outside of things.  And there are barriers all around you.  But the Holy Spirit who is covered in revelation is with you and has his arms around you.


Now, looking at the second dream:


I had tulips in a vase.  I took them out of the water and they began to die.  I put them back in the water and they lived. 


Its symbols are also good.  Keep in mind a flower is often people whose lives are fleeting / will pass away (Mt 6:28-30, Jam 1:10)


 Tulips – a person who is doing speaking (two lips)


Vase – a vessel or vehicle to receive water


Water – Word of God (Nehemiah 9:15, Psalms 73:10, Isaiah 55:1, John 4:10-15)


Die – spiritual change / spiritual death (Leviticus 22:9, 1Samuel 2:6, Psalms 49:10, 2 Timothy 2:11)


I believe this is saying people  (flowers) who are speaking out (tulip – two lips – speaking) that are in a vehicle to receive the water (flow and Word of God) are alive.  When they are out of the Word of God they begin to lose their no spiritual life (die).  If they go back to the Word of God, they are alive in the spirit again.  You (as the dreamer) have a part in bringing people back to the Word of God.


 Both of these dreams are wonderful and speak of your relationship with the Holy Spirit and your calling to help others.
Marsha Trimble Dunstan







Helicopter Towing Bench


Marsha, Here is a strange one, involving a helicopter which has a tow rope attached to it.  The tow rope is then attached to a metal picnic bench, which I and a few others are sitting at.  It then starts to tow us down the street, but not lifting us up in the air.  I noticed that down this snow covered street there is houses and chain link fences in front of us, and I am telling everyone to get off as I try to cut the rope.   Just before the helicopter starts to pull us I ask Rex ( a person older man that I go to church with) if he is going to get on.  He says “ No, I don’t think so”, and we are around water and a boat .

That’s it.  What does this mean?

Hi there!
A  good place to start is with the symbols. Here are some possible meanings for the symbols:


Helicopter = ministry gets off the ground quickly (note: If a vehicle is a ministry/work; and a plane is a ministry or work high in the spirit (air); then a helicopter is a ministry/work that is high in the spirit and gets off the ground quickly).


Tow = pulling along


Rope = in service to/committed to (Num 4:26); bound/committed to (Ps 119:61, Eze 3:25);  not quickly broken (Eze 4:8, Eccl 4:12)


Metal =  people (Jer 6:27)


Picnic bench = being “fed” is “benched”


Up in air = high in Holy Spirit (Is 66:15, Eze 37:9, John 3:8)


Snow = times that are cold


Street  = pathway / direction you are going (Jer 31:21)


Chain = bound (Ps 107:10, Is 52:2, Jer 40:1-4, Eph 6:20, Rev 20:1-2); cords of affliction/affliction/oppression (Job 36:8, Col 4:18); weighed down (Lam 3:7)


Link = linked to


Fence = barrier / hindrance (Ps 62:3, Acts 17:26)


Rex = Royalty/ those who are royal/God


Water = Word of God (Neh 9:15, Ps 73:10, Is 55:1, John 4, Eph 5:26, Rev 7:17)


Boat = earthly & spiritual movement/ ministry (Mt 13:2)


So, tossing symbols into the dream and asking the Holy Spirit to speak to us reveals the following:




You and others are “benched” from being fed (receiving good teachings) and pulled along, bound to a ministry that got off the ground quickly but does not go high in the Holy Spirit.  This ministry pulled you along a cold pathway that was bound and linked to barriers.  You asked someone of Royalty/God if he was with you in it and he said “No”. Then you see the word of God and earthly & spiritual movement.

Now, keep in mind this dream does NOT say the work is bad.  It just says it does not go high in the Holy Spirit and you are not being fed well.   The Lord is gentle and gracious in guiding us. 